It was a nice cool evening and we took advantage of it by going to the Holland State Park. What a great time to take a few pictures while there. So here what a few of them look like. I think I am developing a passion for picture taking. A class and a little bit more equipment wouldn't hurt either!
come and visit for a while! But do not pay attention to grammar mistakes you might get scared.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
We are back!
We have been on vacation to our favorite spot in Michigan. We went to the National Forest of the Sleeping Bear Dunes. What a wonderful time we had. We went first just me the kids and Patsy. Francois joined us on Friday. So we left on Thursday morning and got a nice site. It was quite an experience to back up the pop-up fifteen times later it was finally in the right spot. I have to say this was my first time backing up something. We had a fire the first night for the kids. We enjoyed so many things such as walking, swimming, the beach, fishing (Olivia c aught her first fish), visiting the area, roasting marshmallows every night and tubing down the river so many times. The weather was beautiful and kept getting warmer everyday. The last day it went up to 90F with a warm south wind. We left with many photos and wonderful memories.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Here is another quick page I did this afternoon! It’s a recent picture of Julien and his giraffe, Gigi. He his so attach to her. He received her as a Christmas present from Aunty Patsy when he was 3 months old. They are friends. He tells her everything, they play together, they have pillow talk and she even gets to sit at the breakfast table once in a while. She comes with us on every trip we make is it involves sleeping somewhere else. Even tough she is not as cute as she use to be since she has some fur missing they are still as close if not more 3 ½ yrs later.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
2 more pages!
Saturday, June 9, 2007

Here is our big baby Winston, he is a 5 yrs old Golden retriever that just loves to be petted and love. He as gentle as can be especially with the children. We had not taken time to show him off to you all yet! He is still a big part of our lives and we all love him. He is faithful and always there, especially around the kitchen table. I think he wants to make sure that we don’t have to bend down to pick up anything that falls. It is his way to be helpful.
Last summer we decided to shave Winston since he gets so hot with his thick coat of hair. When we did that we discovered a new dog. He was happy, running and playful. So this year we decided to do the same thing again. So this is what he looks like with his new do! It took a while to get use to but we love him just like that.
Last summer we decided to shave Winston since he gets so hot with his thick coat of hair. When we did that we discovered a new dog. He was happy, running and playful. So this year we decided to do the same thing again. So this is what he looks like with his new do! It took a while to get use to but we love him just like that.
Here is the little story behind Winston hair trimming session. I took an appointment to one of our local pet grooming salon for Friday of Memorial Day (they where predicting some hot temps) we dropped him off at noon and he was going to be ready around 4:30 just in time for Francois to pick him up on his way home from work. Well the grooming salon called me 1 hour later saying that Winston was too agitated and kept jumping off the table. I thought that a little odd but I said find I will bring him back on Tuesday. After work Francois heads to the salon to pick Winston up and sees him on the table being shaved. So he said to the lady you decided to go ahead and trim him anyway? The lady said oh no this not Winston its Charlie. Francois said well I think I can recognize my own dog. By this time Winston was getting all excited and Francois had to calm him down a little. So they brought to him Winston (they thought) but really it was Charley some lad, shepherd mix. The lady wanted to make sure the dog on the table was not ours and was Charlie so she ask to describe his collar and sure enough they where shaving Winston not Charlie. She was in trouble but not buy our fault!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Check out my Slide Show!
Here is what I like to do with all the free time I have! Yes It's scrapbooking, I have been doing this since May of 2003 and I really enjoy it. I wish I could do more but I have other things and 2 little creatures that occupy my time. But I do enjoy every moment I get at it. Here are the last pages I have done in the past 4 weeks.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
what a special day!

Yesterday Saturday was a bid day for us and our little girl Olivia. We had her dedication done by Pastor Craig. It was a special moment for Francois and I as we dedicated ourselves also to be the best parents we can and to let God use us to lead her to Him. Since we are representing Jesus to her we felt this is a big task and we need all the help we can. We appreciated the time, care and sincerity of our pastor as he guided us trough the preparation and helped us to make this a special moment for our family. We also had a beautiful song interpreted by our friend Lisa and accompanied to the piano by our friend Carol. We concluded with a shared meal with the church family.
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