Sunday, August 26, 2007

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8 scrapbooking pages

Here is what I did in the last week and a half, while we had many rainy afternoons and evenings. I am so behind but that is ok as long as I am having fun making them I am getting somewhere!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

first haircut

for Olivia was last week. She was a pro and so proud to be sitting on that chair. She did not move a bit. So finally we made an appointment that I held until the day of it. This was my fourth attempt but kept cancelling because I felt she was to young or did not need it. Well she did not get much cut, just about 1/2 inch of hair off but it looks cleaner and it is easier to manage. I guess I was just scarred to let go of my baby since she is growing up so fast, she is already two and that is hard for me! She is my baby still. Anyway she did awesome and still talks about it!

Monday, August 20, 2007

We're back

Finally after a week back from camp I can say we are back.

-Back on track

-Back into the routine
-Back to normal bedtime

-Back to cooking :-0

-Back to cleaning :-(

-Back to ironing :-/

-Back to running the fort

-Back to scrapbook :-)

But beyond that we had an awesome vacation. A lot of good family time, time to talk, especially during the long ride there (16 hrs).

We went to Camp Cherokee in the Adirondack. It was beautiful there, the weather was great, the speaker wonderful and the food, well no need to say I was relived and happy not to have to worry about planning or making it and for a bonus it was excellent.

It was good to see this place 15 yrs later. It hasn't changed much and I have good memories of it, which made it even better. I saw beautiful sunrise, sunsets, mountains, lakes, and wild life. So I can say it was the best and a good way to get resource.

So here are a few photos of our time there!

Hopefully I will be keeping this blog more updated now that our big vacations and trips are over for the rest of the summer.