Saturday, May 24, 2008

2 pages

that I got done this week!

I broke a cycle of mine that is to work in chronological order with my photos. I am about 2 yrs behind and usually I use photos of Julien when he was 2-3 yrs old. these pictures are only 3 weeks old but they where extras that I had develop to give to the grandmas for mothers days. since they where sitting on my work table I thought I would give a try and work some recent photos. I felt uncomfortable at first but I like the results. I did the same for the page of Olivia only that those pictures are from this fall.

thanks for looking!

Class of 2008!

Here they are the Rose Park graduating class of Pre-K 2008!

It was a cute little ceremony we had on Tuesday morning at the Rose Park school gym. Julien was quiet through the whole deal and did not participate much. He was very happy to receive his certificate and to have his picture taken with his teacher Mrs. Zwart.

Its been a good year for Julien. He has learned a lot this year. All of his letters, numbers up to ten to write ans recognise them. Shapes, colors and may other things. but his favorite was the field trip they had in April to our local airport where they got to sit in an airplane, meet the mechanicians, and people that works there. He can now write him name very well.

Now its time to have fun this summer and enjoy the beach, swim class, Vacation Bible school, camping, family camp and visiting family members in Canada.

Friday, May 9, 2008


We had so much fun as a family. Us parents taking the pictures and watching the kids have a good time. The kids enjoyed running around participating at all the activities. We had a busy 4 hrs filled with fun, laughter, running. We took advantage of the tulips and shot pictures of the kids. It has been a tradition for us every year now. And make sure you check us back soon we will have pictures of them in their dutch costumes.

more pictures of Kinderplaats

Monday, May 5, 2008

my first bump picture!

So here it is. My bump is growing now at 19 weeks I can't fit very well into my favorite jeans. For those who don't know we are expecting bb#3.

This seems to be a very quiet baby so far. I can hardly feel any movement or flutter. Hope it stays like this! I will put some updated pictures has the bump grows.
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Saturday, May 3, 2008

the rest of my pages!

a little page about Olivia and our dog Winston. This dog just loves our kids no matter if they pull his hair, eyelids. pet him....... he just loves the attetion.

a double layout about our camping trip june 2006! We had a great time in Northern Michigan.

fun fun fun

Julien loves to go and see the tulips a Tulip Time. He was just posing for me so nicely that day!

A cute page of Olivia and her small feet and chubby hands. What is not to love about that!

a page about my 2 kids playing together so nicely that summer of 2006. Julien loved to sit and play with his little sister and make her laugh.

Sweet little girl. she looked like a doll at her first Tulip Time!

This turned out to be one of my favorite pages. I do not use much stamps, andI did for this one all the swirls are stamps.

I had a good time away from home, the kids and DH!

It was my first time leaving my family to do something only for myself overnight. I went with a few girlfriends in a local hotel where we rented a conference room and a few rooms to stay 2 days and one night. It was all scrapbboking for 28 hours or just about and a little sleep and eating of course. So here is what I got to finish and I have 2 other pages that did not get done ther so I will get that here later.

I sure hope to do that more in the futur and maybe make this a regular habit.

The kids did great and so did dad. They were all happy to see me back. What a great feeling.