This is one proud little boy.
This spring we had a story told by our pastor about him when he was a little boy and how he loved watermelon and he and his family grew them. After we got home from church Julien asked that we grow some. We where not sure since we do not have a huge yard, but we went to the market and bought one plant. We told Julien that if he wanted watermelon he had to be in charge of it and water it everyday.
We planted it in our flowerbed. Julien took that seriously and watered it almost every day. We had one watermelon grow from the plant and it was this past Friday October 3rd that he harvested it. It was the size of a grapefruit. Not very big but still pretty good for a 5 yrs old boy.
Julien was so kind that he decided to share it with all of us for dinner. I have to say that it was very sweet and juicy. He was so proud of it. we had to keep the seeds from it so that we can grow more next year!
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