Friday, March 27, 2009

6 months

already for little Xavier. He is just as happy all the time. He is now in control of his hands and loves to hold things to look at them and to also grab things that he then brings to his mouth. He also loves to touch our hair and pull on them especially mine and Olivia's. We started solids wich he did not care for at all. so we took a little break and now 3 weeks later he is definetly enjoying food, he knows when we sit him in the highchair and we put the bib on what he is in for and opens his mouth right away.

6 mois

Xavier a un mois de plus. Il est toujours tout aussi souriant. Il aime prendre des petits jouets et les mettre dans sa bouche, ils aiment aussi les observer, il aime toucher et tirer les cheveux surtout les mien et ceux de sa soeur.

Nous avons débuté les céréales mais il faut dire que ce ne fut pas le grand succès au début. Nous avons donc pris une semaine de répits et maintenant 3 semaines plus tard, il sait quand nous lui préparons sa nourriture et il aime bien ça!